Interestingly with the introduction of Results Based Management we noted a decline of interest in LFA … This is interesting indeed as LFA is the basic instrument for RBM … Moreover, as the general observation is that LFA is very poorly applied, interest should actually be higher ….
Our main concern however is not so much the LFA itself, but the way the key stakeholders, including end-users, should be involved to design any project, programme or even a policy. Apparently we see that such interventions are mostly formulated by a few individuals or even consultants who have stringent and often wrong perceptions about the reality of the end-users or the context in which the intervention should be implemented.
Therefore we wonder why the use of well facilitated workshops to create opportunities among stakeholders to better listen to each other and create mutual understanding and commitment by all parties involved is so hard to apply.
LFA or particularly the Logical Framework Matrix is often applied as a ‘bureaucratic box-filling desk-trick’. And that is a real pity. Any other technique such as RBM, OM and also the new Capacity Works all depend on a proper participatory application in workshops with stakeholders. How come we tend to focus on the TECHNIQUES instead of the PROCESS?
We like to hear your views on the current RELEVANCE, FEASIBILITY and SUSTAINABILITY of this management instrument within your organization to enhance communication in all development initiatives that are initiated, implemented, monitored and evaluated.
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