Practice & Feedback of all the concepts and tools relevant to teaching others. Only for those who have attended the introductory course and thus comprehend the messages, tools and procedures will get a chance to specialise on explaining this method and approach to others..
The 5 days will be spend with intensive study, reflection, practice and feedback on the ways of effective transmitting the messages of LFA and PCM / RBM respectively.
The LFA tool will be applies in preparing a plan for the introduction of the approach in an organisation showing the different components and assumptions.
- Day 1: PCM / RBM – the overview of cycle, phases, roles and tasks, tools and procedures
- Day 2: LFA – the Analysis phase: Network Diagramme and Stakeholder Analysis
- Day 3: LFA – The Analysis phase: The Problem tree and Objectives Analysis
- Day 4: LFA – The Logical Framework
- Day 5: LFA – The Logical Framework – What, How & Support matrixes
Reflections on teaching, training and facilitation.
Logistics – programming and preparation
The plan for introducing PCM / RBM
Differentiating between Project Cycle Management (PCM) and Results Based Management (RBM) is quite important because of the current uptake of the last. It is very interesting to realize that although RBM is in full congruence with the PCM (and LFA) concepts, tools and techniques, it is even more emphasizing on the quality aspect of service delivery.
RBM particularly focuses on reporting and corrective action established by assessing Actual Results versus Planned Results. A regular and institutionalized Monitoring and Evaluation system will need to gather information about achievement of Results at any level in the Logical Framework Matrix (Outputs, Ourcome, Purpose & Overall Objectives).
RBM further interlinks this M&E system with regular Feedback and Adjustment system. In fact, PCM is the first step particularly to enhance programming, while RBM adds to PCM by elaborating on institutional accountability, effectiveness and efficacy.
The other interesting concept RBM introduces is the internal work planning as a management tool to facilitate the implementation of the project plan presented in the Logical Framework Matrix. It is interesting because we felt such a lacune in the LFA approach. The traditional matrix presents a plan for the ‘WHAT should be happening’, but merely ignored HOW it would be happening. For a couple of years we therefore promoted the use of a WHAT matrix aiming at End-Users, a HOW matrix aiming at intermediary organisations and a SUPPORT matrix aiming at the own organisation or Project Management.
[hr]Price: 1800 € (excl. 21% VAT)
[hr] [iphorm id=”15″ name=”ToT – Training of Trainers course in PCM / RBM (5 days)”]