Federico and Erik facilitated very successfully a couple of one-day ‘Kick-Start’ workshops as the Delegation of the European Commission in South Africa called those workshops that aim at reaching understanding and full support and commitment for the implementation by the different stakeholders.
The process was organized in two stages with an initial workshop to design the pre-inception and inception phase while the second workshop six months later was organized to further detail the managerial aspects of the inception phase.
The concept of the ‘Kick-Start’ workshop was invented by the EU Delegation in Pretoria, who needed to get a number of programmes urgently launched. With the new D+3 rule (contracts to be signed before 3 years after signing) the need for quick action becomes more and more clear. The organization of a workshop with the key players to review the components of the plan has triggered a lot of excitement and ownership with the different implementing agencies.
We call it a ‘shooting exercise’ when all participants can write their criticism, doubts, suggestions, questions, problems, etc on cards, which will help to identify Immediate Actions, responsibilities and deadlines for the pre- and the 6-month Inception Phase. It is quite interesting that in many situations when the responsibilities are not crystal clear, like in most proposals, everybody is ‘waiting for the other’ to act and everybody else is to blame for the delays. In fact, most proposals describe vaguely WHAT is supposed to happen but do not elaborate HOW it will happen. Therefore we believe that every project when started needs a ‘Kick-Start’ workshop to get such loose ends tied up.
It was a great experience and the highly positive evaluations tell enough too.
Want to know how you can organise such a “Kick-Start”workshop?
Leave your name and email and tick the right box of your interest and we will get back to you as soon as possible!