Participants will understand the reasoning behind the LFA / GOPP planning procedure to design and formulate an intervention (tender), be able to apply the essential techniques (logic trees & LogFrames), have experienced to moderate a group and leave with an attitude to involve and listen to beneficiaries and other stakeholders in the process.
This is a specialised course on how to design and formulate an intervention (tender) applying the GOPP / LFA procedure. A simulation will be done of a participatory workshop on a case. Moderation is practised by the participants in turn. Both the LFA planning procedure and the facilitated workshop process with participants defending different interests will be studied and practised. Duos will design their own projects and master the visualisation techniques.
Context of the training
Project managers and consultants require the skills to improve the focus of the present and new interventions. More specifically, project managers need to be able to conduct or facilitate the planning process of projects in such a way, that a maximum support and commitment of all the stakeholders will be achieved. Furthermore, we understand that managers need to be able to conceive and produce the necessary documentation, which enables effective appraisal (and approval) of the projects, and provides a solid basis for the steering of the implementation process.
This training will start from the reality of the current situation, which means that existing problems and difficulties in the planning process will trigger the learning process. Hands-on experience with planning tools will provide a sound basis for the creation of full awareness of problems and opportunities, but will also reinforce the confidence of participants to be able to find personal solutions.
Finally, it is our experience that real changes in the way projects are being planned can only be realised if the officers concerned have taken a conscious decision to effectively review these processes. Just showing how it should be done is not sufficient. Therefore, the approach of the workshop is focussed on creating a learning experience for the participants, which allows them to draw their own conclusions, and translate these into concrete actions for improvements.
Objectives of the training
After the workshop participants will:
- Have insight in the present weaknesses in approaches to project design and conceptualisation.
- Understand the rationale and principles of project cycle management (PCM).
- Become familiar with the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) planning technique – design of proposals and preparation and analysis of cause-effect trees and the Logical Framework matrix.
- Understand by practice the concepts and importance of indicators required for monitoring and evaluation.
- Understand the rationale behind the formats of proposals that are being demanded by different funding agencies.
- Understand by experiencing the dynamics and logistical requirements to organise a participatory workshop for the planning process.
→ Price: € 735 excl. 21% VAT (= total € 900)
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