EU Development Days: Buy-In by Stakeholders for Sustainable Value Chains
Behind the many tropical products we consume, there are agricultural supply chains involving a multitude of players. Farmers, industrialists, transporters, researchers, bankers and civil servants are all working to grow, harvest, store, process, transport and sell products.
There is a mainstream vision of sustainability (global challenge, integrated systems). However, the large diversity of value chains and systems requires diversified paths, potentially in interaction between themselves and in permanent re-construction. There are no fixed solutions, no one size fits all. Value chain actors need to remain dynamic and question permanently pathways, means and objectives. Research stakeholders accompany this continuous process and fuel the debate through scientific data and innovations.
Facilitator or Moderator?
Which term do you prefer for a person who guides a participatory planning process in a workshop?
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Preference between Moderator or Facilitator
The “Shooting Exercise” – an effective short-cut procedure!
In certain workshop situations we apply the “Shooting Exercise” as a ‘quick and dirty’ analysis procedure. Particularly when time is limited, a group can provide feedback and ideas effectively and efficiently in a very short time.
Why Moderators of LFA Workshops are unique?
We, practitioners and trainers of Moderators of participatory multi-stakeholder consultation workshops that apply the Logical Framework Analysis procedures, think that an LFA workshop Moderator is quite unique compared to other facilitators in the sense that they are encouraged to apply the principle of ANONYMITY in their facilitation practices. [Read more…]