The Valorisation Centre organized a series of short courses on ‘How to formulate a promising Project Proposal’ (as compared to a Research Proposal). These courses were intended for senior scientists from all faculties. With the recently reduced budget for the University other funding sources need to be tapped. And a survey disclosed that the University had not been very successful in getting their proposals approved.
Strategy workshop for Rwanda National Police
A 4 day LFA workshop with 20 senior police officers from the RNP identified key areas on which to focus in the next strategic plan.
ONE United Nations in Viet Nam!
The group is stuck. You need to move forward, but you know the group will contest your proposals because you are a stakeholder. Erik comes in and facilitates a meeting. Everybody will have a chance to present their views, often people will vent and tension will rise. But that is good in Erik’s book. Once emotions are out of the way, Erik is able to find the common ground between stakeholders and force them into a process that will result in a plan to move forward. You will be surprise how those who seem most dogmatic in their positions literally melt into the will of the group and are ready to compromise. Such is the power of good facilitation.
Joaquin Gonzalez-Aleman Regional Adviser at UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
International Criminal Court
The ICC launched a training on LFA for their Outreach staff in order to design better strategies in the respective focus countries to reach the population to acquire collaboration from witnesses and victims.
The training workshop on Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) was organized with simultaneous translation in English and French for 9 key staffmembers of the Outreach Unit of whom some are managing a country office and others are based in The Hague.
RITA back on track
Hi Erik,
Please let me, once again, thank you for an excellent workshop. This was exactly what Rwanda Information Technology Agency needed and people here are really enthusiastic. The “new mentality” has been passed down the hierarchy and RITA is once again an institution with motivated and, most importantly, happy employees.
Best Regards, Jorge
PS. RITA has now opened a coffee-shop (:-)) and it really has brought people together.
Want to know how you can organise such a workshop?
Leave your name and email and tick the right box of your interest and we will get back to you as soon as possible!