Are you also tired and frustrated about the struggle and effort it takes to produce a quality proposal?
Many clients are quite thrilled about our way of analysing the project concept either in a Terms of Reference or a Proposal, after it has opened their eyes by establishing a better focus on end-users and an analysis on the quality of their broader context of services and components.
1. test the RELEVANCE of the project
For WHO and by WHOM? By analysing the stakeholders and dividing these into ‘end-users’ and ‘suppliers’ we highlight the need to specify the ‘end-users’ better and hint at possible other organisations that could be involved in the project or have their contributions to the project monitored under the assumptions.
WHY? Gathering the perceptions and reaching a common understanding among those stakeholders on the challenges and problematic in their working and living environment is key to the design of a relevant project. Suddenly stakeholders feel to be understood and will commit to collaborate to bring the change.
2. assure the FEASIBILITY
WHAT and WHAT NOT? Organizing the agreements among the stakeholders on which objectives (Results) the project will be responsible to make available to the ‘end-users’ and which objectives will not be under its responsibility and mandate (Assumptions) in order to reach the Project Purpose, has proved to be a very helpful mechanism for assessing the feasibility of the project. This tool is referred to as the Logical Framework Matrix.
3. incorporate SUSTAINABILITY in the design
HOW? In addition to the ‘WHAT should happen matrix’ we often suggest to also prepare a ‘HOW will it happen matrix’ to focus on the capacity building of the implementing organisation assuring the sustainability.
With more than 20 years experience in providing very dynamic and interactive training, facilitation and mentoring to a wide variety of clients in many countries dealing with an enormous diversity of topics, has made us a real specialist in identifying and helping clients to address many types of problems and in preparing quality documents in all the phases of the project cycle: From preparing quality Terms of Reference, Tender documents and designing and assessing Project Proposals to developing monitoring-, evaluation- and Lessons Learnt dissemination plans.
We collaborate with a number of Associates of different backgrounds and located in different countries.
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