We aim for excellence and the highest level of professionalism in the field of Project Cycle Management (PCM) and Logical Framework Analysis (LFA).
The PCM Group is a Brussels-based commercial company formally established in April 1998 as a Limited Company (Belgian BVBA /SPRL).
The core trainers and moderators associated in the PCM Group come from diverse professional backgrounds and different cultures.
This is a deliberate policy on our part as we believe it serves to enhance and stimulate creative synergy within the PCM Group. We also believe strongly in learning from each other and we make it a priority to hold regular internal training sessions and to coach and feed back to each other in real-life situations.
In its role of “network organisation”, the PCM Group also brings together highly experienced and qualified independent process consultants, trainers and moderators from different countries and regions. We have worked together under sub-contracting arrangements for more than a decade and as a result have established a high degree of mutual trust. Through these contacts, we, at PCM Group, have instant access to a pool of proven, flexible and readily available experts.
[accordion] [tab title=”Expertise”]- Training of project administrators in Project Cycle Management (PCM) and Quality Control instruments; design of specific modifications and adjustments in line with institutional requirements.
- Training of PCM “Focal Points” and trainers within administrations dealing with projects or programmes (e.g. “Quality Agents”).
- Training of GOPP moderators in Goal Oriented Project Planning skills.
- Moderation of participatory Logical Framework workshops (GOPP) in complex environments.
- Consultancy through participatory analysis of organisational development.
- Coaching and process consultancy of institutional change processes.
- Facilitation of large conferences to enhance the participants involvement and decision-making.
- Assessments and quality appraisals of project documents as well as assistance with the design and structuring of proposals.
This statement outlines the principles that underpin the network
- Respect for the opinions of others
- Neutrality in our judgements
- Participatory decision-making
- Equality in our interactions with participants in workshops and training sessions
- Equality in our interactions while on consultancy assignments
- Confidentiality
We, as PCM Group members, believe in the following approach to our work:
- We seek optimal efficiency and effectiveness on behalf of our clients and their beneficiaries
- We help stakeholders find solutions to their problems
- We learn from our clients and remain flexible and responsive to their needs
- We strive to develop our capacity to deliver and be true to our mission statement and values
- The ability to help analyse clients’needs and expectations, to establish clear objectives and deliverables and to respond with flexibility to meet these needs is key to providing top quality moderation and training services.
One of GOPP’s main strengths lies in its conduciveness to encouraging effective communication in a structured way. During this process, stakeholders are stimulated to contribute and discuss more freely and visualisation techniques are used to anchor the issues discussed and decisions made.
GOPP is the proven instrument for creating ownership among stakeholders, better focus on beneficiaries, realistic and measurable result-oriented objectives, quick decision-making, transparency of proposals and reporting, and easier management, monitoring and evaluation during the implementation of projects and programmes. GOPP is applied in all participatory planning workshops.
[/tab] [tab title=”Staff & Associates”]Erik Kijne
Owner and Managing Director of PCM Group – Senior Consultant – Master Moderator – Senior Trainer (Project Management / Agriculturist / dairy husbandry specialist)
Erik is a senior specialist and trainer in PCM and LFA and is able to motivate and inspire people to bring about change in working practices. From 1992 he managed a consortium of international trainers introducing the PCM approach into DG VIII (Development) (5000 participants), and also has wide-ranging experience in the provision of technical advice and training services to other DGs of the European Commission. His services as trainer and as workshop moderator or conference facilitator are consistently in demand by bi-lateral development organisations in the EU Member States, consultancy companies as well as by large NGOs. By 1998 he established the PCM Group.
Erik is a Dutch national. He is fluent in English, French, Ki-Swahili and Bahasa Indonesia. Erik is member of the International Association of Facilitators.
[hr]Helen Binns
Trainer and Moderator
Helen Binns joined our team as francophone trainer and facilitator. As a British national her fluency of French and Spanish is remarkable. Helen is an economist by background, and has worked in Asia, Africa and Latin America mainly with the private sector for some 20 years.
She has substantial experience at all stages of the project cycle from project identification, analysis and structuring through to preparing feasibility studies, identifying and negotiating funding, following the start-up of operations, sitting on the board of directors and carrying out monitoring and evaluations. Her work has covered a wide area of sectors from agriculture to agro-industry, industry and services including the financial sector and microfinance. Helen enjoys very much the exchange with others through training and facilitation and the share of these activities in her schedule is growing rapidly.
Helen Binns is British and is fluent in English, French, Spanish.
[hr]Federico Bussi
Moderator (Sociologist / economist)
Federico is an economist and sociologist and has solid experience in education and training programmes. In recent years he has focused on project management and was Director of DGI’s Technical Assistance Office for the MED-CAMPUS programme. Since early 1996 he has been responsible for the monitoring and animation of Italian projects within the framework of the EC-supported EMPLOYMENT Initiative (DGV). Federico has become a professional trainer in project cycle management and has accredited a lot of experience in workshop moderation.
Federico Bussi is Italian and is fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Federico is member of the International Association of Facilitators.
[hr]Jean Paul Résimont
Moderator (Business Engineer)
Jean-Paul is a business engineer with more than 30 years experience in marketing & sales and general management in several multinationals (DSM, Bowater, SCA Packaging).
In 2009, he started his own company in “professional training and coaching”.
After having followed the trainings, Jean-Paul got fascinated by Project Cycle Management. His experience and communication skills contribute to effective workshops.
Jean-Paul is Belgian and lives in Brussels. He likes cycling and is interested in oenology. He is fluent in French, English and Dutch.
[hr]Charles de Monchy
Moderator – PCM specialist (Water engineer)
Charles has been instrumental in the development of the PCM approach introduced into DG VIII and DG XIII. He has extensive experience in PCM training and GOPP workshop moderation in Brussels and ACP countries. Dynamic and inspired by the method and its continued improvement, Charles makes a significant contribution to the development of methods and instruments. He specialises in assessment, monitoring and evaluation systems, providing technical advice and training to donor agencies, NGOs and private companies.
Charles is Managing Director of ‘De Monchy and Partners’. Charles is a Dutch national based in Amsterdam and is fluent in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese. Charles is member of the International Association of Facilitators.
[hr]Domien Bruinsma
Trainer – consultant
Domien developed himself in the field of participative learning and development processes for organisations, teams and individuals. Central themes in his work are the improvement of internal relations & cooperation, quality assurance, capacity building and producing results.
Domien is a Dutch national and has a broad international experience and speaks, apart from English and French, also Portuguese.
[hr]Anthony Little
Moderator (Finance specialist)
Tony is originally a banker and finance adviser. However following recent training as a GOPP moderator he has focused successfully on training and facilitation. He specialises in management and staff development, strategic planning workshops, team development and SME business development. His humour and openness trigger a welcoming atmosphere that helps make workshops highly effective.
Tony is British and works in English.
Send an email
[hr]Frank Little
Trainer of Trainers – moderator (Linguist)
Frank is a very influential and experienced trainer of trainers and workshop moderators with wide-ranging experience in private and public organisational settings in different countries. He is an expert in management training and has designed courses in human resources development, team building, cross-cultural management, coaching, leadership, negotiation, conflict management, communication and social skills. He brings with him considerable knowledge of training and communication pedagogics.
Frank Little is British but has lived in the Netherlands for many years. Frank runs his own company “Bureau Frank Little”. He is fluent in English and Dutch and can work in Spanish, French and Italian. Frank is member of the International Association of Facilitators.
[hr]Erling Petersen
Trainer – moderator (Vocational training and education)
Erling is currently based in South Africa where he worked closely with the European Commission on the implementation of a major labour market policy programme. He has more than 30 years experience in the provision of technical support to development co-operation projects, particularly in the fields of vocational training, human resources development and labour market policy and planning. Erling is also a highly experienced PCM and GOPP trainer and moderator and a loyal member of the PCM team.
Erling is Danish and works in English.
[hr]Jamal Al Salah
Moderator and trainer (Civil engineer)
Jamal, a civil engineer by trade, specialises in workshop moderation and gender issues. As founder and director of his own consultancy company, ‘Interaction’, in Jordan, he has facilitated more than 150 workshops in most countries in the Middle East. Jamal is recognised for his great patience and captivating personality, through which he builds an excellent rapport with his participants and clients.
Being Jordanian, his mother tongue is Arabic and he is fluent in English and Romanian.
[hr]Links with partner organisations
Scuola Superiore di Facilitazione
In 2003, Nicoletta Boris, Gerardo de Luzenberger and Frank Little founded the School to help disseminate the culture of participative planning in Italy and to provide professional facilitators, moderators and others who are interested in this work with training and support for their work. The School offers high-quality professional training on methods, tools, procedures and techniques for working with groups.
Via Alessandro Volta, 12
20121 Milano (MI), ITALY
Tel.+39 02 45409189
Fax +39 02 36591744
We collaborate in providing LFA moderation training
See web site (scuoladifacilitazione.it)
Education Center for Nonprofit Organizations
ECNO…Education for Development is an educational organisation with six year tradition in the area of planning and management of projects. We cooperate with lectors trained by EU institutions. Services of ECNO are used by representatives of public administration (The Office of Government, Ministries, local and regional municipalities, job centres), secondary schools, universities, non-governmental organisations, entrepreneurs, development agencies and private educational institutions.
Tajovskeho 51
974 01 Banská Bystrica
Slovensko / Slovakia
Tel.: + 421 48 41 37811
Fax: + 421 48 41 37812
We collaborate in implementing the KEYLINKS project (EU funded under GRUNDVIG life-long learning): Studying the key competences of Project Managers and Project Cycle Managers and respective training opportunities (Web info).
See web site (cvno.sk)
[hr]Jyväskylä Institute of Adult Education
The main function of Jyväskylä Institute of Adult Education is to provide initial and continuing vocational training and education for adults. Vocational adult education can be self-motivated further education, or organised as employment or in-service training programmes, or based on apprenticeship contracts.
P.O. Box 472
Viitaniementie 1 A
40101 Jyväskylä FINLAND
Tel. +358 40 341 6471
We collaborate in implementing the KEYLINKS project (EU funded under GRUNDVIG lifelong learning): Studying the key competences of Project Managers and Project Cycle Managers and respective training opportunities.
See web site (jao.fi)
Our mission is to establish and implement joint multi- and interdisciplinary research and development actions in order to stimulate measures for promoting the social and economic European integration process and fostering the European objective of becoming the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based society.
Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz
Dreierschuetzengasse 37
A-8020 Graz, AUSTRIA
Tel. +43 316 948761
Fax. +43 316 914851
We collaborate in implementing the KEYLINKS project (EU funded under GRUNDVIG lifelong learning): Studying the key competences of Project Managers and Project Cycle Managers and respective training opportunities (Web info).
See web site (merig.org)
Latitude combines the innovative use of technology with scientific rigour and managerial pragmatism to achieve, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders, maximum societal impact.
Latitude has developed its ‘IDEAS’© approach to tackle the most complex assignments. It is a process that encompasses several steps, each supported by specific methodologies and technology. IDEAS© aims not only to support sound decision-making but also to ensure that stakeholders participate throughout the process and are ready to sustain reflection and change autonomously, after the consultants have left. Next to ‘IDEAS’©, Latitude also uses its ‘RAPID©’ approach to more urgent, even crisis like situations.
PCM Group collaborates with Latitude in the area of policy research and evaluation.
See web site (latitudeconsulting.eu)
[/tab] [tab title=”What clients say about us”]Please take a moment and read what they have to say about their experience working with the PCM Group.
[button link=”/about-pcm-group/testimonials/” style=”small”]Testimonials →[/button] [/tab] [tab title=”Contact us”]Erik Kijne
+ 32.(0)475 698 306
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